Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lychee anyone?

When we lived overseas and my children were smaller, we used to be able to buy these fun little asian jellos in different flavors: kiwi, apple, and lychee. The white lychee jellos were my favorite although I had never actually eaten a lychee and didn't really know what they were.
One of the things my husband and I like to do is go to Saturday/Farmer's markets. When we went to the St Petersburg market last weekend, I found these wonderful little red things... Since I am adventurous (selectively:), I asked what they were and behold-they are real Lychee nuts. Aren't they a wonderful color?
You eat them the way you eat another of my family's favorites-Quenepas from Puerto Rico. You peel the red outer layer away and eat all the pulp off the inner nut. I have a few I am going to try and grow now that I am in Florida.
We also found real Guava fruit that we thought we would put into a refreshing rum drink...not so easy to do. The Guava has a bunch of hard seeds in the center and so it had to be blended first so that the seeds could be strained off. I understand now why this juice is so expensive.

Until next time, keep trying new things!

1 comment:

Margarita Korioth said...

Welcome to Florida Robin! I live in the Orlando area. Maybe we can get together sometime?