Monday, May 13, 2013


After long months of crazy creativity, frustration, excitement, and pure joy at finishing in time; the Hidden Stitches 2013 Paint Chip Challenge is revealed. OH, and I am going to Spring Market:)
Funny how the feelings are the same. I have been working feverishly to get my Market samples completed, written, tested, photographed, printed, folded and packaged.  The time is now as I fly out on Wednesday for Portland, Oregon where I will meet new shop owners and see old friends!  When I get home, you will get your own private show here so check back after June 1st.
In the meantime I leave you with the amazing creativity of my sweet guild friends!
As to our challenge, I believe we had 6 months to decide what to do with the paint chips we were blindly given.  The size was no more than 100" (all four sides added together) and you had to use the chip colors as your primary focus.
I brought my racks and drapes so we could hang them all for voting.  They are all so different!

Laura Raczek

Mary Lou Wechter, Winner of Best Design.
There was a lot of discussion about Mary Lou's because the left side is all 3D woven and the flowers are 3D as well.
Marva Gurley, winner of Most Whimsical

This is my Mango Mambo.  Not only do I love the color of Mangoes but since moving to FL. I actually like the flavor too.  The little orange ones are delicious!! The pic below is it hanging in my home and you can see the quilting a bit better too.

Brenda Grampass

Lynn Tinley
Mary Ann Braithwaite, winner of Best Use of Color
We were all very impressed with how she used colors that all of us would have cried over!

Diane Dormer
Carol Flomp
Liz Mann
Lynn Woods

Pat Osinga

Bernice Frederick

Karen Barrie

Barbara Leonard
I am so impressed with how creative they all were with what colors they had.  There were some color selections that would have driven me over the edge:) but they were able to make something wonderful!
Until June....

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