Monday, June 15, 2015

June Brides

Were you a June Bride? 
I had known that the tradition of June brides related to days when baths were infrequent and so June was a warm enough month to get a bath AND there would be flowers available to help mask body odor as well.  Very Romantic!
It goes back even further though to Roman times when they celebrated the festival of the deity Juno and his wife Jupiter, who was the goddess of marriage and childbirth, on the first day of June.
Both traditions aren't necessary anymore though and yet it continues...

I was not a June Bride since we really didn't even decide until June to get married.  Then being a poor military couple, we needed a few more paychecks if we wanted to have any kind of honeymoon at all.  Are you getting the idea we jumped into this?  You would be right:)
The year was 1988 and I so wanted my anniversary to be 8-8-88. 
I should have done so but we needed one more paycheck for the honeymoon and the naiveté of youth blocked rational thought of getting married on my chosen date and doing the honeymoon a couple of weeks later. Oh well, 27 years later it doesn't really matter:)

As always, the pump is 12" square to fit on the originally designed (by me) Ackfeld metal hanger.  
Hopefully you have already signed up for the Starter Kit.  If not, this BOM is open enrollment so still plenty of time. 
Since it is now June 15th, the templates for the June shoe are available for purchase on my website BOM 2015 page.
Originally this project was set up so that you would pay for the templates and they would be an immediate download.  Due to a VAT (Value Added Tax) put into place overseas on digital products, I had very limited options as to how I could keep the digital aspect but not be subjected to a very disorganized new law.
When you pay for the templates on my website, a payment notification will be sent to me.  Once I have received this notification, I will then email you the PDFs of the templates.  Please be sure that your email address associated with Paypal is correct so that you can receive these files.  I will email within 24 hours of payment.  Thank you so much for your understanding.
**End of message**
I am very excited about watching this BOM progress and seeing how all of you use different fabrics to achieve a new shoe each month.  Please share your progress on my FB page.  This is also where you will find additional tips about how I went about making these sweet shoes.
Happy Quilting:)

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