Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Sestercentennial Sampler Month 2

 Hello everyone!
I am excited that we are off to a great start.
Please share your progress over in 
FB group.
I bet many of you made 
Betsy Ross proud as you stitched
all those stars:)💖

It is March 5th and snowing
as I write this....
As I said in the introductions,
in honor of those who sacrifice(d),
we should highlight some
not-so-well-known heroes of 
the Revolutionary War each month
with the block for that month.
Keep reading for this month's
first one.

IF you are working on 
"Stars of Peace", your block 2
is called Ribbon Stars and you 
are making 2 of them.
IF you are working on 
"Botanical Beauty", your block 2
is called Star Sashes and you
are making 2 of them.
I am hoping to have some
bias tape video assists up
later next week.

In Barbara Brackman's
Encyclopedia of Pieced designs,
Ribbon Stars is joined by
other stars named: 
Lone Star, Texas Star, Crystal Star,
Joining Star, and Star of Virginia.
All these designs have estimated 
publish dates between the late
1920s to the 1930s.
I say publish dates because the designs
have been around longer but we 
didn't have "published" quilt designs then.

The Star Sashes from "Botanical Beauty"
are from another published pattern of mine
that can be found in the QOVF book, 
I used it as the borders for the quilt
in that book but they were larger to fit the quilt.

Now to honor an unsung hero...
There are so many to choose from 
once you start researching.

If you click on her name, you can
read her whole story-FASCINATING!

Deborah Sampson Gannett, also known as 
Deborah Samson or Deborah Sampson, 
was a Massachusetts woman who 
disguised herself as a man and served in 
the Continental Army during the 
American Revolutionary War. 

Born in Plympton, Massachusetts, 
she served under the name Robert Shirtliff. 
She was in uniform for 17 months 
before her sex was revealed in 1783 
when she required medical treatment 
after contracting a fever in Philadelphia. 

After her real identity was made 
known to her commander, 
she was honorably discharged at West Point. 
After her discharge, Sampson met and 
married Benjamin Gannett in 1785. 

In 1802, she became one of the first 
women to go on a lecture tour to speak 
about her wartime experiences. 
She died in Sharon, Massachusetts, in 1827. 
She was proclaimed the 
Official Heroine of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
on May 23, 1983, and in 1985 the 
United States Capitol Historical Society 
posthumously honored "Deborah Samson" 
with the Commemorative Medal.
HERE is another great write up 
about her.

This is a story that honors not just Deborah, 
but the people around her that recognized
her value and contribution by bestowing on her
an honorable discharge and a medal so that 
she wouldn't be a lost story in our history!

The pattern is required for the QAL.
Etsy offers tips for printing digital patterns.
Please be sure to print ACTUAL SIZE.
All templates have a 1" square for accuracy.
This is a single-copy purchase for a single user!
Copies may not be forwarded or copied to 
be shared with others!

Just hearing about all of this?
Follow these links to catch up:)
Ready ~ Set ~ GO!
See you over on FB

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Botanical Beauty QAL: IT'S HERE:)

 I am giddy with excitement!!

As I said before, this is one
of the grandest things I have ever done!
After many hours of work
 I am THRILLED to bring my,
quilt pattern to you!

Lots of information in this post
so please read to the end.

I am very proud of my 
family's military service
and of all the military members
and their families
that sacrifice much 
more than most will ever know.
In honor of those who sacrifice,
I will be highlighting some
not-so-well-known heroes of 
the Revolutionary War each month
with the block for that month.
There will also be a bit of history
about the block shown (designer, etc).

Eagle and Stars set on a background.
There will be a video assist for 
aligning those stars so neatly:)

After I drew my eagle, I thought I 
remembered a myth about what the 
direction of the head meant.
I asked my fellow historians in the 
American Quilt Study Group and 
this is what I was told:
"When the eagle on the presidential
seal faces left and the talons hold
arrows, we are at war. 
When it faces right and holds 
olive branches, we are at peace.
The presidential seal doesn't switch out
like that but the information is interesting.
I am glad I drew it facing right but I 
left out the olive branches for ease of applique'.

Now to the QAL:
Thank YOU for being here.
 I look forward to 
lively participation!
The FULL pattern is available as a 
PDF digital download HERE at an
introductory price of $42 until 
February 15th, 2025
(Reg price $48)
Etsy offers tips for printing digital patterns.
Please be sure to print ACTUAL SIZE.
All templates have a 1" square for accuracy.
This is a single-copy purchase for a single user!
Copies may not be forwarded or copied to 
be shared with others!

The pattern is required for the QAL.

My accompanying posts and videos
will not provide any measurements.
I will be providing technique
tips and history tidbits.
The QAL will take place in 
my FB Group, 
 with blog posts
adding additional information.
Make sure all your notifications
are turned on so you don't miss anything.
If you aren't a member yet, please 
answer all 3 questions an agree to the 
rules in order to be accepted. Thank you.

Looks like a lot, but time flies when we quilt:)
February 2025: Pattern Release
February '25-April '26: 1 block per month
May '26: Finishing Instructions
June '26: Time to get it quilted
July 2026: Show that baby off to all 
who will want to see to celebrate 
our country's 250th birthday. 

Just hearing about all of this?
Follow these links to catch up:)
Ready ~ Set ~ GO!
See you over on FB
In case you forgot to click over:)

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Botanical Beauty QAL: Fabric and Supplies


We are 1 day away from starting
the Botanical Beauty QAL and I
don't even have time for ironing-LOL!

If you are new to the conversation,
go read the introduction HERE...
we will wait:)

As you can see in the photo above, there
are more than just 1 red, white, or blue.
I didn't quite go scrappy nor did I 
stick to my usual organized, cohesive look.
I decided to mix it up a bit this time.
The pattern will have overall yardage (ex. Red- #yards)
 and if you choose to go a bit scrappier, just 
add up your pieces to total yardage listed.
I added cutting instructions to each block
so, while you are doing the QAL with us,
there is no reason you can't choose
as you go and shop your stash.

I do a lot of hand applique' so some of these 
are unique to that type of work.
I also like to design a lot
of swirly twirly designs:)

First up, bias vines.
This quilt has a lot of vine work on it.
I have tried various bias tape makers
and the original Clover 
is still my favorite!
I even tried their version that 
applies the fusible web tape as
it presses over the edges-nope-
not for me:) 
It works well enough for shorter
lengths but I personally found
that the web didn't stay on well
enough for longer lengths.

Since I don't use the web tape, 
I wouldn't want to make any
vines without Magic sizing.
I spray my bias vine so
that it is damp.
Your cut length should have
a 45 degree angle at one end.
This is the end that I start
through the maker using a
straight pin to help it along.
As you pull the fabric through
the iron will dry the sizing
and stiffen the vine just 
slightly and help the 
edges to stay closed.

Then because I do not have
fusible web tape on the back
of my vine, Roxanne Glue
Baste-It(R) is my best friend
for basting vines to traced lines.

Other helpful items:
a pencil & metal sharpener- So Good,
the white chalk Bohin 
mechanical pencil is 
fantastic on dark fabrics,
& Karen Kay Buckley
serrated scissors for cutting
my applique' (especially
cutting into V points/curves.
These items make my life 
so much easier.

Let's not forget my 
favorite hand applique'
thread: Aurifil!!
I use the 50 wt for all my hand applique'.

You will need fusible web for all the 
applique' if you aren't working by hand.
I like Pellon's 805 Wonder Under.
I find it easy to use and light weight.

If you right click on image below then save to your computer, 
you can print out to start assembling supplies.

There are a couple of 
"(highly recommended)"
supplies that are optional 
but awesome to have.
Obviously if you don't have a
light box then a great 
window works wonders.

I also have the teflon applique'
pressing sheet listed.
It is so helpful when you have layered
flowers that can be all layered
and fused, pulled off the sheet once
cooled, and then placed directly
where you want them on the background.
This way all the parts don't start
shifting around before you get them fused.

As a reminder, "Botanical Beauty" 
will be available for sale in my 
Etsy shop as a full PDF download 
on February 9th, 2025.
The full pattern will be released 
at an introductory
rate of $42 for the first week only
(it will go up to $48 after that).

You will need a pattern to participate.
Every month, I will present a block
via a post here, in my newsletter,
and in my FB group, 
We will be doing all the discussion
and ooohing/aaahing of 
fabric choices in the FB group.
See you soon!
Please leave a comment if you
have questions or email me
Thank you:)

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Botanical Beauty QAL: Introduction


This design is a culmination of many
of my designs over the years 
(some published, some not).
The 250th birthday felt like the 
right time to be 'GRAND'.
This is the biggest, most grand
design I have ever attempted and 
I am grateful that you are here
for the journey!
I hope that those of you new to applique'
will give it a try. There are many methods
out there and we will discuss
many of them over the next year.

As some of you may know, 
I come from a military family.
After joining the Coast Guard myself, 
I met and married my husband then
 followed him in his 30 years of service.
We were fortunate to be able to see 
a great deal of the country through 
our moves, learning the history and culture
of many regions.
It was an honor to be a part of the 
Coast Guard and its missions.

As a quilter, I am involved with the 
Quilts of Valor Foundation.
The foundation's mission is an 
important message to those that
serve our country, you are not forgotten,
you are appreciated.

Why a QAL?
As our country prepares to celebrate
250 years as America, I choose
to celebrate through my design work and 
stories about my travels.
I am excited to have you here, 
stitching along!

When and How?
"Botanical Beauty" will be available
for sale in my Etsy shop as a full
PDF download on February 9th, 2025.
The applique' templates
are full sized.
The full pattern will be released 
at an introductory
rate of $42 for the first week only
(it will go up to $48 after that).

You will need a pattern to participate.
Techniques will include some piecing
but mostly applique'.

Of course there will be some
video assists to help the process.
Every month, I will present a block
via a post here, in my newsletter,
and in my FB group, 
Robin's Rocking Needles.
We will be doing all the discussion
and ooohing/aaahing of 
fabric choices in the FB group.
I pride myself on quality (tested)
patterns with full-sized templates
and assembly diagrams.
This is going to be fun!

Lots of posts coming your way 
this week to get us up to speed
on fabrics and supplies so
you will be ready to go
as soon as you get
your pattern!
Please leave a comment if you
have questions or email me
Thank you:)

Friday, January 31, 2025

Stars of Peace: Let the stitching begin:)


After many hours of work
 I am beyond excited to bring my
Stars of Peace: Sestercentennial Sampler
quilt pattern to you!
Lots of information in this post
so please read to the end.

I am very proud of my 
family's military service
and of all the military members
and their families
that sacrifice much 
more than most will ever know.

In honor of those who sacrifice,
I will be highlighting some
not-so-well-known heroes of 
the Revolutionary War each month
with the block for that month.
There will also be a bit of history
about the block shown (designer, etc).

Eagle and Stars set on a background
of 4 blocks together.
After I drew my eagle, I thought I 
remembered a myth about what the 
direction of the head meant.
I asked my fellow historians in the 
American Quilt Study Group and 
this is what I was told:
"When the eagle on the presidential
seal faces left and the talons hold
arrows, we are at war. 
When it faces right and holds olive branches, 
we are at peace.
The presidential seal doesn't switch out
like that but the information is interesting.
I am glad I drew it facing right but I 
left out the olive branches for ease of applique'.

The block I used to create the center is 
originally attributed to Nancy Cabot, a 
syndicated column writer and quilt designer
from the 1930s.

Now to the QAL:
Thank YOU for being here.
 I look forward to 
lively participation!

The FULL pattern is available as a 
PDF digital download HERE at an
introductory price of $20 until 
February 7th, 2025
(Reg price $25)
Etsy offers tips for printing digital patterns.
Please be sure to print ACTUAL SIZE.
All templates have a 1" square for accuracy.
This is a single-copy purchase for a single user!
Copies may not be forwarded or copied to 
be shared with others!

The pattern is required for the QAL.
My accompanying posts and videos
will not provide any measurements.
I will be providing technique
tips and history tidbits.

The QAL will take place in 

my FB Group, 
 with blog posts
adding additional information.
Make sure all your notifications
are turned on so you don't miss anything.
If you aren't a member yet, please 
answer all 3 questions an agree to the 
rules in order to be accepted. Thank you.

Looks like a lot but time flies when we quilt:)
February 2025: Pattern Release
February '25-April '26: 1 block per month
May '26: Finishing Instructions
June '26: Time to get it quilted
July 2026: Show that baby off to all 
who will want to see to celebrate 
our country's 250th birthday. 

I will also be offering a block by block option.
Block 1-Eagle/Stars will be available on 
February 1st, 2025 for $8.
It will include all the pattern instructions.
Subsequent blocks will be $5 each.
You can find month 1 HERE.

Just hearing about all of this?
Follow these links to catch up:)
Fabric selection & Supplies


Ready ~ Set ~ GO!

See you over on FB

In case you forgot to click over:)


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Stars of Peace QAL: Fabric and Supplies


We are only 3 days away 
from this fun and inspiring quilt along!
So Exciting!!
If you are new to the conversation,
go read the introduction HERE...
we will wait:)

As you can see in the photo above, there
are more than just 1 red, white, or blue.
I didn't quite go scrappy nor did I 
stick to my usual organized, cohesive look.
I decided to mix it up a bit this time.
The pattern will have overall yardage (ex. Red- #yards)
 and if you choose to go a bit scrappier, just 
add up your pieces to total yardage listed.
I added cutting instructions to each block
so, while you are doing the QAL with us,
there is no reason you can't choose
as you go and shop your stash.

This is pretty straight forward piecing project.
I like to use 40 wt thread for piecing
and will put opposing colors top/bottom
for blending purposes (red top-blue bottom).
You will need fusible web for the eagle
and stars if you choose to add them.
I like Pellon's 805 Wonder Under.
I find it easy to use and light weight.
I also use Magic Sizing vs starch or 
other pressing agents. It will keep your
seams nice and flat (very helpful for all
the bias seams).
If you right click on image then save to your computer, 
you can print out to start assembling supplies.

There are a couple of 
"(highly recommended)"
supplies that are optional 
but awesome to have.
Obviously if you don't have a
light box then a great 
window works wonders.
Then there are the slotted trimmers
I have trimmed my HSTs a 
multitude of ways but these
have been by far the easiest!
I almost didn't mind the trimming-LOL!

As a reminder, "Stars of Peace" 
will be available for sale in my 
Etsy shop as a full PDF download 
on February 1st, 2025.

The full pattern will be released 
at an introductory
rate of $20 for the first week only
(it will go up to $25 after that).
The pattern will also be
released as a BOM with 
each month posted for sale 
in my Etsy shop.

You will need a pattern to participate.

Every month, I will present a block
via a post here, in my newsletter,
and in my FB group, 
Robin's Rocking Needles.
We will be doing all the discussion
and ooohing/aaahing of 
fabric choices in the FB group.

See you in 2 short days!
Please leave a comment if you
have questions or email me
Thank you:)

Monday, January 27, 2025

Stars of Peace QAL: Introduction

As some of you may know, 
I come from a military family.
After joining the Coast Guard myself, 
I met and married my husband then
 followed him in his 30 years of service.
We were fortunate to be able to see 
a great deal of the country through 
our moves, learning the history and culture
of many regions.
It was an honor to be a part of the 
Coast Guard and its missions.

As a quilter, I am involved with the 
Quilts of Valor Foundation.
The foundation's mission is an 
important message to those that
serve our country, you are not forgotten,
you are appreciated.

Why a QAL?
As our country prepares to celebrate
250 years as America, I choose
to celebrate through my design work and 
stories about my travels.

I am excited to have you here, 
stitching along!

When and How?
"Stars of Peace" will be available
for sale in my Etsy shop as a full
PDF download on February 1st, 2025.
The applique' templates
are full sized.
The full pattern will be released 
at an introductory
rate of $20 for the first week only
(it will go up to $25 after that).
The pattern will also be
released as a BOM with 
each month posted for sale 
in my Etsy shop.

You will need a pattern to participate.

Techniques will include piecing
and a bit of applique'.
This is a great technique sampler.
The following will be included:
Half-Square Triangle
Quarter-Square Triangle
Flying Geese
Of course there will be some
video assists to help the process.

Every month, I will present a block
via a post here, in my newsletter,
and in my FB group, 
We will be doing all the discussion
and ooohing/aaahing of 
fabric choices in the FB group.

I pride myself on quality (tested)
patterns with full-sized templates
and assembly diagrams.
This is going to be fun!
Lots of posts coming your way 
this week to get us up to speed
on fabrics and supplies so
you will be ready to go
as soon as you get
your pattern!

Please leave a comment if you
have questions or email me
Thank you:)