October 1st will start the monthly AAQI auction to raise research money for Alzheimers. There are 26 lovely small pieces of art to bid on.
Here is my Playful Posie (#2868) in honor of my Great Aunt Barbara. Aunt Barbara recently passed from Alzheimer's and was the 3rd of my Grandmother's sisters to have her life ravaged by this disease. I hadn't seen her in probably 4 years but always remember she had a twinkle in her eye and a playful spirit. We will miss you.
When I was small we would visit her home for big family events and I have great memories of playing with my cousins there. The boys were just enough older that it was fun for them to tell my brother and I those awful scary stories to freak us out. That playful spirit lives on in them and in all the memories we will carry with us.