Did you know that February 1st is considered
National Spunky Old Broads Day?
A lot of people have been offended by the term,
Broad, but I have always found it to be a great
descriptor for those women who were
classy AND strong.
They didn't back down from a fight and
they did it with dignity!
I wrote about a journal my husband
bought me a few years back and
there are AMAZING Broads in there.
Meet Elizabeth Blackwell.
In just 2 short days
it will be her 200th
birthday and if only
she could see how
women have thrived
under her early example!
First woman to be
awarded a medical
degree in the United States.
First woman to have her
name entered into the
British General Medical
Council's medical register.
The statement below spoke to me as
someone who finds her wrist to be
of utmost importance
considering the work I do:
“The beauty of the tendons and exquisite
arrangements of this part of the body struck
my artistic sense, and appealed to the
sentiment of reverence with which this
anatomical branch of study was ever
afterwards invested in my mind.”
In 1871 she founded the
National Health Society.
To read more about her amazing
life and the years of her
accomplishments, go HERE
Every day should be an opportunity
to set an amazing example for
those who will come after so
they will read our story and
realize how BAD we were!
Other ways to celebrate
Spunky Old Broads day:
THANK YOU, Ann Shen!
To read about other BAD girls,
type in bad girls to the search bar
in the upper left corner of the
blog page.