Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Well-Loved Ladies QAL: Sashing

You are so close to the finish;)
This week we are on to the
sashing for the blocks.
Making the decision to blend
the sashing so the stars jump out
or to give your blocks a small
bit of framework will be
the hardest part of this step.
I promise!
My blocks rested on my 
guest bed for a good solid
week just as you see them here.
I just couldn't wrap my 
brain around how it would
look when done and I 
didn't want to waste time
making all those little 
star points just to hate it.
If you are on the fence
about which fabric to choose,
give your blocks a space
to lounge upon their options.
Try to pick a space that you
wander by at least once a day.
Look at your fabrics in 
different lights of the day.

The math won't change
a bit if you decide to go
with straight corner stones
and leave the star points off
but I love the little extra
detail added to the quilt.

If you have been purchasing
each month, you can find
all the assembly instructions
(blocks, border bias vine,
 and sashing) in the 
First block: Currants
(Includes quilt instruction)

Make sure you cut the squares
for the star points very accurately.
Small pieces seem to feel
mistakes more.
Stitch corner to corner on 
a slower speed to avoid
Press well before trimming,
OR, don't trim at all and 
leave the corner bits in
for added stability. 

Please share pictures and
progress or questions in 
our group,
Robin's Rocking Needles.
Keep stitchin'


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