Friday, June 12, 2020

Rockets Red Glare

LOOK what hit mailboxes
last week!!
The July issue is now out
and yours truly
has a new quilt within
titled, 'Rockets Red Glare'.
THANK YOU Connecting Threads for 
the perfect fabric line,
Hometown Americana II.
It saddens me that so many quilters
feel overwhelmed by applique' 
because, to me, it is such a 
creative and relaxing form of quilting.
Yes, there are sometimes
many pieces to handle but
no more than some of 
the pieced quilts I have seen.
There are times that even I look
at one of my designs and ask,
"who designed all this work?".
Then I realize how much I 
love it and set to breaking
down each task just as you
would do in piecing.
Piecing steps: 
Iron fabric, measure, 
cut out pieces, sew, 
press, trim, and assemble.
Applique' steps:
Iron fabric, trace templates, 
fuse to wrong sides,
cut out, press to 
backgrounds, stitch 
around edges.
Pretty even in my book:)
Plus, once I get all the pieces 
traced and fused to the 
wrong side of fabrics,
I can pop in a fun movie
and cut all the pieces in 
a relaxed setting.
I am all about the relaxing:)
(NOTE in pic above I 
marked each template with 
the color fabric so I couldn't
mess up while fusing.)
scissors are the Best!!!
Another nice thing about my
designs is that they don't need
to be laid out exactly.
As long as you leave at least
a 1/4" from the seam 
allowance, (1/2"-3/4" from 
block edge) you are golden!
Fireworks every day of the year!
Machine quilting is not really
my 'thing' but sometimes
I have to rely on my skills.
My default is a set of loop
designs that I free motion
over the raw edge applique'
and then enlarge for the
all over quilting fill in
and around my applique'.

Add a quick triangle label
to my corner and Voila-done!

THANK YOU to AQ Magazine 
for another cool layout!

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