Thursday, December 1, 2016

Happy December- DAY ONE!

DAY ONE: Welcome to the #31daysofblogging challenge from Cheryl Sleboda of

Today we will do a brief intro since this may be your first time here.  My name is Robin:) 
I am a professional quilter:  Quilt Designer by day and Heritage Architect by night.  What does that mean you might ask??  Well, I started in this industry as a quilt designer of fun whimsical quilt designs.  This has grown to teaching, lecturing, and the fulfillment of quilt heritage projects through custom hand quilting.  These commissions usually come to me in the form of a quilt top that was started but never finished because they decided quilting wasn't for them (or health issues) or someone found blocks/quilt top that their mother or grandmother made and they would love to have it finished to keep.
I have the honor of finishing these and completing the quilting heritage for future generations. 
Please feel free to take a peek at my lovely designs:
See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Warm Quilts said...

What an interesting and rewarding niche you're in. How fortunate for the families of the unfinished projects that you are able to honor the "quilting heritage for future generations." I look forward to following your 31-day challenge!