Sunday, December 9, 2018

Day 9: Football Sunday

Today as I tidied up leftover items from decorating yesterday, I pondered how Football Sunday has changed around here lately.  I used to loathe this day of the week but it worked out well because I would go hole up in my work room and let the husband have the whole living room to himself:) When he was still working, I know he appreciated that bit of alone time.

In years I vended at Market this was fantastic dedicated work time/preps.  At some point I stopped doing NESTLINGS work on Sundays and allowed that quilting time for myself,  to work on something just for me

As I stepped away from vending and took on more hand quilting commissions, I preferred to quilt in the living room and so had to listen to football-ugh.

It isn't my favorite thing to listen to but I can tolerate it now and the husband likes to talk about stats of people I have no clue about.  It is good reciprocation for all the quilting stories I tell about people he has no clue about:)
There are other things I could be doing but I have decided that relaxed hand work whether for NESTLINGS or myself is more important for my health than to keep going all the time. My motto has always been that it all gets done eventually!

So to the couch I go for more hand work!  This one is for me and for work so Win/Win:) 

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