Friday, December 28, 2018


These are being ordered this week!!!!  I am SO Excited to have these ready for the FABRIC COLLABORATIONS workshop! I know going in that the biggest hurdle is going to be all those that feel they can't draw.  We aren't aiming for art gallery expertise in one shot.  We are aiming for getting out of your comfort zone enough to see the possibilities and be excited to keep trying to create for yourself.

Years ago I wrote a lecture titled, ALL AROUND US, and there were quite a few blank stares from the audience so I put it away temporarily until I could focus it more.  The tools and ideas for Fabric Collaborations are intriguing and exciting!  There is something so exhilarating about being around a group of creatives all bouncing ideas off one another.
Have you ever asked a 'how to' question in a group of women??
We all have opinions and one is bound to be the answer:)

If you like new, different, experimental, and collaborative play, this is the workshop for you!

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