Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Day 12: A Goal Reached!

Goals keep us focused and motivated even when they seem a bit too far off.  I feel it is good to have attainable and 'unattainable' goals because you really just never know!! Plus when one goal is achieved, you have to set a new further goal.

Years ago I wanted to be published and I meant a book but I started with a magazine and then another and another.  It challenged me.  When my book was rejected multiple times it hurt but I kept submitting to magazines.  I still love getting into magazines and this year I hit the jackpot..."Robin's Wreaths" was chosen to be the series quilt in AQ Magazine.  What an honor!! You can read more about it HERE.
The very first issue I shared the cover with Jane Sassaman!!
This past June the magazine hit the shelves and I started my first Facebook Group, "Robin's Wreaths, AQ Magazine" so that I could make some videos to walk quilters through some of the background tips for creating this lovely piece.
This week the 4th installment will be out on shelves and I am in this magazine alongside Kathy McNeil!  It has been quite an honor to share pages with Amazing Artists!!
What is next?  Good question and I have a few things on my list.  Not sure if I should put them out into the universe here or keep plugging away quietly until I get what I want:)

I do know that more teaching is on my list.  Being in a room full of quilters sharing our passion is one of the greatest feelings!
Applications to bigger shows are being assembled.
If your guild is looking for something fun to do, email me:)

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